The members of the Philadelphia Association were thanked for their hospitality and openness and congratulated on continuing to provide a stimulating training of a very high standard that continued to attract committed trainees of a very high calibre attracted to the psychoanalytic project of the Association. The Association continues to be a valued Organisational Member of the CPJA [Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis], distinctive in their approach and thinking, and important in their critique of dominant therapeutic cultures.
The Philadelphia Association was founded in 1965 by R. D. Laing and others, and one of its charitable aims since the beginning has been the training of psychotherapists. Its core charitable aim is the alleviation of ‘mental distress’ and, after some debate as to the nature and purpose of such a programme, a psychotherapy training programme was developed initially under the guidance of John Heaton.
The training was and is aimed both at training therapists and challenging the concepts of mental illness, their perception in psychiatry and the wider world, and how such distress should be aided. The Training encourages a critical inquiry into what psychotherapy is, rather than being an initiation into particular theories and methods.
The Psychotherapy training is a minimum of four years, thought of as analogous to an apprenticeship, the length being open until the trainee feels ready to practice independently. It is accredited by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) - Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis. Students who successfully complete the Training are eligible both to become members of the Philadelphia Association and to register with the UKCP. The Training falls within the psychoanalytic psychotherapy grouping of the UKCP while retaining a critical and sceptical stance toward theory.
Deadline for training application is 18th May 2025 for October 2025 intake.
Students on the Study Programme can begin the process of applying to train during the second term of the course. (Each student is assigned a tutor who is available to answer questions about applying.) Applicants are expected to submit a personal statement and a book review in preparation for a panel interview. They must also demonstrate some experience of helping people in distress, either professionally or as a volunteer, and have been, for a year before commencement of the Training, in twice-a-week therapy with a UKCP-registered therapist who has at least five years’ post-qualification experience.
This personal therapy continues throughout the Training, and trainees are also responsible for organizing their own supervision as soon as they start seeing clients, which may be quite soon after starting the programme.
Graduates of the PA Study Programme: The Introductory Course in Philosophy and Psychotherapy, Online Course:in Community, Philosophy and Psychotherapy and the Diploma Course in Community and Psychotherapy can apply to join the training.
Application fee £150
Termly fee £450 (plus the cost of personal therapy and supervision)
The training group benefits from students from diverse backgrounds and we are committed to providing inclusive services. The Philadelphia Association is committed to keeping its fees as low as possible and can assist trainees to find affordable therapy and supervision.
Philadelphia Association Teaching Schedule 2024/25
Autumn Term
Psychotherapy, death, escape involvements and catastrophic personal cultural histories.
Del Lowenthal
October 1st, 8th,15th.
Deleuze and Beradi: The Concept of Geopsychosis
Miles Clapham
October 22nd, 29th
Aspects of Dreams
Alison Davies and Karen Gold
November 5th, 12th
Kantian ethics and psychotherapy
Elie Jesner
November 19th, 26th December 3rd
Spring Term
Psychotherapy and listening
Emma Stroker
January14th, 21st.
Maggie Nelson’s Argonauts
James Mann
January 28th, Feb 4th, 11th
In Quest of the Ordinary
Robbie Lockwood
February 18th, 25th, March 4th
Language beyond the Dictionary
Lucy King
March 11th, 18th
Summer term
Against Transparency
Paul Gurney and Kati Gray
April 29th, May 6th,13th
Finding freedom from fierce, frenzied and foxy Masters: if we begin philosophy
and psychotherapy with Plato‘s republic.
Onel Brooks
May 20th,27th, June 3rd
Early Childhood Experience and the Role of Infant Observation
Pamela Stewart
June 10th, 17th
Personal experience of training at the PA
Barbara Latham and Andrew Feldmár
June 24th, July 1st
Weekend Teaching - 10:00am - 5:00pm
Jeremy Cutler: Facilitator Experiential Group
Saturday 10:00am-11:30am
Sunday 3:30pm-5:00pm
Autumn Term
Assessments and the work of the referral committee
Fuad Buraimoh and Jake Osborne
Saturday Nov 9th
Setting up a psychotherapy practice
Lakis Georghiou
Sunday Nov 10th
Spring term
Working with Couples
Kevin Ball
Saturday & Sunday Feb 22nd, 23rd
Summer Term
The Three Realms of the Real, Symbolic and Imaginary
Marie-Laure Bromley-Davenport with assistance from Dan Bristow
May 17th,18th